Friday, April 25, 2008

calling all former students

Please register at this blog. We are planning to create a who's who database so that you could keep in touch with your childhood friends. We are planning to have a reunion dinner some where in october after the Hari Raya.


muhammad syafiq b abd hamid said...

do we to pay for the reunion?? if yes, how much is it??

amirgbskts said...

Thanks.most probably yes.but if u r stil a student, a minimum amount will be charged just 2 cover the food charge.. around RM 10-15 dollars according 2 the venue. keep in touch. give me yr details pls. thanks

fifie said...

how about ex-staff or ex-teacher of skts...??? can we join it..??

haslia said...

owwwhhh...that's sound great..
i'm waiting 4 da next news..hehe=)

amirgbskts said...

syafiq, fifie n haslia,
pls leave yr complete add or just call 05-4775145 (sch-off hour)or my hp 012-5250994 so that we cud register u. Thanks

Anonymous said...

count me in

amirgbskts said...

The Reunion dinner will be held on the 25th of October 2008 at the scool hall. Only RM 20.00 per person. pls register (+ payment) at the school at 05-4775145 office hr or hp gb 012-5250994 (anytime)

amirgbskts said...

UPSR 2009 we manage to get 79% passes and 12 5As We came out 4th in the district overall and 1st for sk school luar bandar